About Jordan Rivers
A praying church ~ People who love ~ A Gospel of truth ~ A family who cares ~ A passion for healing ~ A love for our children and youth ~ A message of hopeWho We Are
Our Leadership Team

Pastors Nick & Deneille Moes
Nick is the Executive Pastor and the head of the Ministry of Helps. He assists in the security and maintenance of Jordan Rivers, ministers to children, directs the teaching of the men’s ministry, manages all of the financial and building operations of the church.
Deneille is the Senior Pastor of Ministry, Administration, and Pastoral Care. She ministers weekly in many areas at Jordan Rivers

Pastors Jasta & Matt Wermuth
Pastor Jasta is the Assistant Pastor of Jordan Rivers. She is the Worship Minister, Woman’s Minister, and preaches/teaches weekly.
Pastor Matt is the Youth Pastor and also ministers in the Children’s Ministry. Together, they counsel and work with young adult fellowship.

In Memory of Rev. John Spohn

Rev. Marie Hughey
Rev. Marie has been a children’s pastor for 30+ years and assists in the Ministry of Helps. You will recognize her at the door as she greets you when you arrive.

Rev. Dave & Rev. Kim Halladay
Dave and Kim have a true heart for missions. They help to oversee special needs and fundraisers of our missionaries. They visit and minister yearly on one of the mission fields that we help to sponsor. Rev. Dave is also the head of Security for Jordan Rivers.
What We Believe
Our Beliefs & Values
- The (entire) Bible is the inspired word of God
- The Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
- The Deity of Jesus
- God as the Creator who created man in His own image
- The fall of man and the Redemptive Plan of Salvation
- Jesus is the ONLY way to the Father
- The blood of Jesus cleanses us
- The death and resurrection of Yeshua/Jesus
- Satan/Lucifer is a fallen being
- The Virgin Birth ~ immaculate conception
- The New Birth, Salvation, and Water Baptism
- Baptism in The Holy Spirit and Speaking in tongues
- Sanctification, Holiness, and Righteousness
- Tithing, Sowing, and Reaping
- Divine Healing / The laying on of Hands
- The Rapture ~ The catching away of Believers
- The Second Coming of Jesus
- Hell / The Lake of Fire / Eternal Judgement
- A coming 7-year Tribulation
- The book of Revelation
- The 9 gifts of the Spirit
- Faith, Prayer, Fasting, and Intercession
- A Five-Fold Ministry
- Deliverance, Repentance, and Unmerited Grace
- Heaven and Eternal Life
How We Serve
Our Core Ministries
Girl's Nite Out
Women’s ministry with hospitality and teaching that will move a woman’s heart. Up to 80 women will attend this bi-monthly ministry. This evening is catered to women.
The Guys
It began with “The Conquer” series and has expanded to 7 Pillars. The men’s ministry is diverse in its teaching and pulls no punches. Join them the last Thursday of the month for Build a Burger Nite, teaching, and fellowship.
Kid's Korner
Kid’s Korner is Sunday morning 11am. This ministry is available for children ages 3-10 with Puppets, Super Book, Flannel Graph, Art&Craft, and a weekly Scripture to memorize. We cram pack the hour and a half ministry full of fun and lots of Jesus.
Food Pantry
No Boundaries Food Pantry happens the first Thursday of each month from 1-4:00 where the Jordan Rivers Food Pantry gives out free food to anyone in need.