At ___________, they like Christmas a lot
Yet some in the world are like me, I DID NOT!
Some they hate Christmas the whole Christmas Season
Though I am not saying “why for” is the reason

It could be they’re poor and have nothing to share
Or perhaps they are hungry and their cupboards are bare
It could be their hearts have been shrunken a bit
By the media snowflakes having a fit

But whatever the reason some don’t believe
In the stable and manger… they’ve got their head up their sleeve
When you say Merry Christmas, God bless you this year
‘Happy Holidays to you’ they snarl with a sneer

They do all in their power to stop Christmas from coming
Don’t sing “Hark the Harold”, stop that “Drummer Boy” drumming
It’s way too noisy with the children all singing,
And those Shepherds and Wiseman, and the gifts they are bringing,

If there were no wool stockings, no presents, no tree,
Then, Christmas would vanish, I guarantee.
No carols, no worship, just a hum, and a whistle
No ma in her kerchief….. no down of a thistle,

If the manger we’re missing, no Tidings of Joy,
No presents or stockings for each girl and boy,
No holiday goose, no stuffing or yams,
Instead, you got hash and 8 oz of spam.

No chocolate or eggnog, not one twinkling light,
Not a sleigh ride or jingle or a snowflake of white,
Then Christmas would fade; there would be no Peace on Earth
No Silent Night, or place of His birth.

And if no Holy Scriptures were allowed to be read
No mention of stable or His manger bed
Perhaps if the story were banned from all schools
And Shepherds and Angels were only for fools?

And Bethlehem’s lights were darkened and dim
I Decree that Congress forbid the mere mention of Him!
Truth is, I once thought they were right
I stole all the candles for Christmas Eve night

Those kids look too happy, their parents too blessed
They seem to not care that their kids were a mess
Peppermint fingers with a hot chocolate face,
Much to jolly, too happy, such a disgrace.

They had to be stopped, they must not proclaim
Immanuel, Savior, or Jesus… His name!
So I pondered if those who were sitting in pews,
Would love Christmas the same if I gave them the news.

That I was stealing their ham, their crackers, and cheese,
Gonna steal all their stockings and do as I please,
So I plotted and planned, I have to confess,
Who’d considerate it, me? No one would guess.

I would start with the church then move out to the town,
While they were in church, I’d take everything down.
There be no cream pudding or Grandmum’s Home Bakes
While in church all together their presents I’d take.

Yep, all lollipops missing… their tinsel’s and bows
And when they came home, they’d have nothing but snow.
So, I took down the star and the lights on the tree
I snatched baby Jesus just like that one, two, three! (snap finger

I was fed up with the Pastor who rings in the spirit
Proclaiming it loudly to all who will hear it.
I was tired of her primping her love for the season’s
So I took it all down, even Jesus the reason

I stopped the whole thing; Christmas ended that day
I hoped to sow discord and send it her way.
I unplugged the piano the guitars and the drums,
I left nothing for ___________ to sing or to hum.

I took all of the carols, and ________ music and stand,
I left them all empty with no worship band.
Then, I waited to see, if they would weep or they’d cry,
With the Nativity missing and no angels on high.

What would they say with no sparkling lights?
and not a smidgen of Christmas or peanut delights?
They would go home to their nothing and cry in their porridge
I smiled to myself, I’d lock Christmas tight in my storage.

Well everything happened that day like I said
They all went to church and the sound system was dead.
I had pulled all the wires and turned off the heat,
Yet they came in jolly and all took a seat.

When the chairs were all filled with everyone there,
I heard as their voices lifted in prayer,
Then the sound of sweet harmony echoed the place
As they stood hand-in-hand with joy on their face.

They worshiped with gusto; they sang One Accord
And presence came down from our glorious Lord.
I stood in the corner and watched as it came
It swept through the building when with worship they sang.

Of Jesus and Angels announcing His birth,
Peace and Good tidings to all men on Earth
Then Christmas it came in the hearts of all men,
And women and children and all born again,

So I’m standing before you, to confess what I did
It did not die in fact, Christmas it lived.
So it wasn’t the fufu, the fuss, or the frills
It wasn’t the sleigh rides over downy white hills,

It wasn’t the twinkling lights or the glitz
or Grannies hand-knit scarves with red matching mitts.
It was born in their hearts; it was born to all men
And that day I was born also again.

And it’s here in this room today and all year,
May you also be blessed with Tidings of Cheer,
And return to your homes, knowing He came,
Because of His birth, we are never the same.

So, celebrate Jesus; take time to remember,
The reason for Christmas this month of December.
For incoming, He died In rising, He lives.
To return one day soon is the hope Jesus gives.

So share your love, share your cheese, Share your crackers and Ham
Share your hugs and your blessings, Share your holiday spam,
Share your music and laughter, Deck the halls with good cheer,
But remember the reason for Christmas this year ~ Just Jesus