I AM A REMNANT BELIEVER. I still believe in the power of the Old Rugged Cross. I still
believe His Blood is precious and can wash away any sin. Without a doubt, I still believe that
The Father sent His only Son to die. It was a part of His plan from the beginning. I believe that
The Bible is the Word of God and does not change. God has not evolved. He is the same
yesterday, today, and forever. The Word of God has the power to change lives and it will never
pass away.

I AM A REMNANT BELIEVER. I am made holy through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. I am a
carrier of the Kingdom of God that lives within me. I believe in Heaven, (gold streets, mansions,
a Tree of Life and a River of Life…) I also believe that those who reject Jesus as Lord… will not
enter in. And yes, I believe that at The Judgment, Hell & Hades and any whose names are not
found written in the Book of Life are thrown into the lake of fire. according to Revelation 20:14″

I AM A REMNANT BELIEVER. The Holy Spirit not only confronts my sin, His grace gives me
the power to walk free from it. I still believe in repentance and when we confess our sin, He is
faithful and just to forgive us our sin. I believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and
no one can come unto the Father, except through Him ~ Jesus.

I AM A REMNANT BELIEVER. I still believe that in the Name of Jesus, the sick can be
healed, those who are bound can be set free, and demons must flee at His name. I will take up my
cross and follow Jesus. I will pray for my nation. I will not just go to church, I will be the church.
I will not compromise my convictions in the face of persecution, and I pray daily that I am bold
to take a stand for what is right in these “last days.”

I AM A REMNANT BELIEVER. I believe that Jesus the Messiah, is about to return and that
this world will go through great tribulation. I have no intention of staying around to watch…
Yes, I believe that there will be a “Catching Away” and that we will escape the wrath that is to

I AM A REMNANT BELIEVER. Call me “old fashioned, old school, ignorant, or
misunderstood… Nope. I’m not simple-minded, I just simply believe…