1. I have set before you life and death, you will have to choose. What you say will become life to you. There will be two paths before you this year. One way will be narrow and sometimes difficult, but as You meditate in my Word, you will see clearly the way in which to walk.

2. You will be persecuted for my namesake, and it will seem that the attempts of the enemy to overrun you will come from every direction. Don’t let this discourage you. If you stand still, you will see My hand; you will see My protection, provision, and presence. So don’t be dismayed or set back when men speak against you. Count it all joy.

3. The Word will be assaulted in schools and institutions like never before. Leadership will attempt to make those who stand for truth and what is morally sound, out to be mentally ill ~ with labels and titles attached. Great conflict will arise due to this assault on faith.

4. It won’t be a secret who’s who. Many will be forced to take a stand for righteousness sake. There will be no hiding in the shadows. There will be no disguise. The true Believer will be out in the open, exposed, and be made to stand against the fiery darts of the wicked. It is then that you will know my Word and it will arise in you. You will actually see more miracles when you are in the midst of this battle than all others combined in your lifetime. Praise will rise
continually from your lips as if ministering angels surround you at every turn in the road.

5.Social media will no longer hold your attention. Even Facebook will not have the stronghold on your day. Some will return to their former days when life was simpler and the stress of media did not exist. They will retreat into quieter patterns and traditions of old.

6. There will be a great revival that will sweep through the earth…every nation, every continent will experience it. This is will not be a revival of theatrics but of power. A revival of the Word – not of Faith, not of gifts, not of men’s prosperity, but of the Word ~ A revival of the Word.

7.What is dead will thrive and flourish again, ~ For much of America has been dead; they have had dead works. They have stolen from the poor and cast away the orphan, ignoring humanity’s cry. But what was considered to be dead will begin to flourish.

8. I will place ways into those who have the heart to give, to restore with opportunities and surplus. A remnant will grow out of what was considered to be dead. Such a hunger for God will move MY people to pray, & to return to me as the only true God.

9. The tares that have been mingled among the church will be rooted out, and not because you remove them, but I remove them. You will know the wheat by their fruits, but more so, you will know them by My word that they keep, that they embrace & follow. THEY WILL CLING TO MY WORD as if it is the most precious.

10. Behold the day is coming when fear will engulf the parks and city streets. Where there was never caution, now there will be warnings.

11. There is no time for the trivial; no time for waste. Those of you who hear My voice will recognize the urgency of the hour. You will not be drawn into deception but will be all the more-so keenly aware of the time and the moment. For the signature of my word has declared it – It has been written and no one will argue with the fact that an anointing of the Word will follow those who meditate in it day and night.

12. You are too early sometimes, too early with a word; be patient and watch; keep the word in your heart. Hold tight to its declaration.

13. What you will see in the world will mirror the opposite in the remnant church. When you see fear arise, you will see faith arise from those who have been in My presence. When you see poverty consume the lives of those who are naked, poor, wretched, and blind… those that are lukewarm – you will see provision for those who remain in My Word. For my Word is unchanging and the remnant believer will stand unfaltering within My promises. When you see the American church become timid and weak, you will see the remnant become fierce in Truth.

14. The church will begin to see itself linked to the nations of the Earth… Brothers and Sisters in Christ, void of nationality, void of color, race, and financial stature… a mighty army which will not be conquered.

15. This is no time to lay down your sword or remove your armor. For many will be shaken, yet many will not waver; they will not bow. Just as the Hebrew young men stood, so My people will also stand.

16. The anchor of My Word… will not be the words of the news anchor. The media will be in a stupor and not be able to report what is happening as fast as it is materializes. Some will leave their profession; others will regret their voice of compromise. The truth will only come from My Word ~ That is the Anchor that will sustain you.

17. This nation will attempt to unite itself, but there is no uniting darkness with light. Programs and incentives will only weary those who pursue this approach. This separation will shake the very core of some, but to others, it will not come as a surprise. It will separate mothers and daughters, father and son and the church will feel the impact of those hurting. ~ Fervent prayer will be the heartbeat of parents that will weep for their sons and daughters, but I will pursue their cries and they will see the reward of their intercession.