Matthew 7:24-27 and Luke 6:47-49. We have all heard this parable many times. About the wise man and the foolish man, and everyone knows the wise man, who built his house on the rock, kept it from ruin. I had a little revelation the other day.

It crossed my mind, what if the houses JESUS was talking about were churches. One church was built on the solid rock, the other on sinking sand. One church was built on the Word of God, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The other church was built on rituals and rules and traditions, with a Bible so picked apart it has lost even the hint of righteousness. One church completely sold out to God, the other knows who God is, but they are more interested in how big they can build their membership. One church that welcomes the worst of sinners so they can win another soul into the kingdom of God, the other caters to the more elite, because that’s where the money is. One church trusting in God to meet their needs and praises Him in all things and always. The other trusts in the offering plates and preach on the responsibility of giving when the offering plates are a little lean.

What kind of church do you go to? A church that teaches Jesus is the only way to heaven or one that tickles your ears with cute stories and empty messages? A church that challenges you to dig deeper into God’s Word and put it into practice what you learn, or one that gives you the latest review of the best self-help book? As for me, I’ll choose the church that teaches the Word of God, whole and complete. A church that encourages me to live a more dedicated life and to communicate with my Heavenly Father daily. To spend time in prayer and studying God’s Word. A church that teaches John 14:6 “Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (NKJV)

It’s not how good we are or how many prayers we pray. It is about giving our lives to Jesus. It’s about the mercy and grace the Heavenly Father gives us when we accept His Son Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Jesus died on the cross to cover our sins, but you must receive Him by asking Him to be your personal Lord and Savior. Ask Him to cleanse you from all unrighteousness and make you clean. Ask Him to be Lord of your life and live daily for Him. Jesus is waiting at the door, and time is getting shot, so please don’t wait, give Him your life today.