Suddenly things will begin to happen. Within a day, a nation will rise to war and a kingdom will be destroyed. Terror will afflict the hearts of many, but those that trust in me will never be moved says the Lord.

Suddenly I will lift the veil that has blinded many and they will see and know the truth. I will reveal Myself in a way that I have not shown Myself to them before ~ to those who have desired to know me, who have pursued Me and refused to let go of the train of my anointing. I will fill them, cover them, and keep them.

Suddenly laws will change, governments will grow fierce, streets will fill with chaos and rioting; protests and cries will not sway the powers that be. Sudden confusion will grasp the minds of men as fear grasps their hearts. They will not know where to look, who to turn to for help.

Suddenly, many will seek Me. They will run to Me for they have known the way and not walked therein. Suddenly they will return. They will fill the halls and the walls of churches. Their idols will crumble and they will awaken from their slumber. Suddenly they will say. “Enough is Enough” and actually mean it.

Suddenly in a day, the value of a man’s worth will plummet. They that have trusted in their own security will run in fear, but those who know my voice and place their trust in me, will not falter. They will stand, and hold firmly to My Word. They will not be shaken; for their trust is not in the wealth of man but in Me. Their roots are embedded into the Rock Christ Jesus. They do not see with earthly eyes; they see with Spiritual eyes. When the wind and waves beat against them, they say “My hope is in the Lord and under His wings I trust”. They link their armor together and
stand against the enemy. They remain steadfast in their faith. So, Forsake not the assembly of yourselves together even more so, as you see the day approaching. You will need the strength of Believers and you will assemble together even more.

When mountains fall and the earth shakes, those who have planted their feet on solid rock will not shift, their feet will not falter….. They are not tossed by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine. They are not deceived by the trickery of men, or by craftiness in deceitful scheming; They have a fortress, a mighty fortress which their God, a Rock in which they run to, a high town in which they hide.

You will see things happen suddenly, but do not be shaken. Suddenly my spirit will wake you in the night. You will begin to pray where once you were silent. Suddenly You will walk by another and place your hand on their shoulder and My healing presence will flow from you into them. Suddenly they will rise and be healed.

There will be sudden provision that will have no planning. There will be sudden strength, where once you were weak. You will wake early and not waste your day. You will capture the moment for time is short. You will watch for My coming. For this day will suddenly be upon this earth without warning.

Just as the sun rises and the sun sets, so will my Word continue. It is alive with truth. It will not return unto Me void, but it will accomplish that which I please and prosper in the thing whereto I send it. My Word will remain. It will sustain you, and Those that hold to My Word will never be moved.

As the world will see things suddenly happen without warning, so you will begin to see things suddenly happen. Sudden blessings will overtake you. Sudden protection will cover you. Sudden provision will be handed to you in your hands. Suddenly a lost child will return, a woman will conceive who has believed long. Sudden miracles will happen and strength will return to the weak. Fathers’ hearts will return to their children and to their family and they will make a sudden decision to know God and walk in His ways.

So rise from your slumber. Shake loose the sleep from your eyes. Pick up your sword, your shield, and stand with your loins girt about with truth… Never remove your breastplate of righteousness. Keep your helmet of Salvation firmly in place. Establish yourself in My word and seek My face…. For Suddenly, I shall come to you, and you will suddenly know Me as never before….