The day before Black Friday. Actually, Black Friday begins today ~ So will this Thanksgiving be just another holiday; A celebration dating back to 1621 at Plymouth Rock? Is it really about the Pilgrims and Indians eating dinner together?

Personally, I tend to think that the Macy Thanksgiving Day Parade …with marching bands and character-helium balloons; towering the streets of New York City give this Holiday the flare that it deserves. Although, some men would argue that it’s the College football games that make Thanksgiving so special. Yet, most commonly it is thought that Thanksgiving is all about the turkey, Grandmom’s stuffing, Pumpkin Pie, & Cranberry relish.

But is that what makes this day hover above all the rest in our memories? It was 1939, the height of The Great Depression. President Roosevelt moved Thanksgiving up a week to try and give the stores a boost before Christmas, after all, the economy was sluggish to say the least….but no one wanted a Thanksgiving where holiday shopping was the focus…. so Thanksgiving was firmly fixed to the 4th Thursday of November…and families all over the country will catch a train, plane, or pile in the car to go home for this one day. And for why? To boost the season? To kick-start the carols and folly? To see the lights and home décor or begin the spending spree that will bankrupt some and cause migraines to others?

Why… PayPal, Ebay, Amazon are already holding out their hands. Starbucks is cashing in with two extra pumps of flavor, and the US mail has begun working overtime. Stress is starting to mount. Oh…but do not fear; adult coloring books will defrag your frazzled emotions and for the next 30 days you will be offered a chance to buy a puppy, watch a Hallmark movie, start the season off right with Netflix, catch the holiday emotion, buy one get one free and think “Free Shipping.”

To put things in perspective… that first Thanksgiving was a moment of sadness, a time to remember to reflect on the 46 out of 102 Pilgrims that perished that year. With the help of 91 Indians, the remaining Pilgrims survived the bitter winter and yielded a bountiful harvest in 1621. So that year…. They gave thanks. I’m not sure what you are thankful for this year….

What has God done in your life that is so wonderful you must give thanks? Is there a mountain you have climbed, or a valley that He has carried you through? Nothing? Is it just another year? Another ordinary Thanksgiving? Do you know the invisible miracles that have happened in your life this year? Can you recall the moments when Heaven brushed against Earth because you breathed a prayer?

So while you fuss in the kitchen over the fixens, make your list and check it twice…. What are you truly thankful for this year?


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