We are in a time of turmoil and upheaval, and it seems to be in every direction. It has become so commonplace that it seems to be an everyday routine. Turn on internet videos and you see innocent people being assaulted by violent, raging people, some are calling protesters. These people are rioters sent to infiltrate and disrupt protests. Paid to keep our nation in a state of confusion.

Well, I have news for them. My GOD is bigger and more powerful than anyone on earth. HE is the GOD who created the universe. I believe HE has heard the cry of HIS children and like in the time of Moses, HE is getting ready to deliver HIS people. HE is bringing a time of rest; a time when evil is brought to light and exposed. A time when corruption will be made known to all.

I believe the ALMIGHTY GOD is getting ready to crush the head of the serpent and bring one last season of revival to the earth. Then HE will send HIS SON to redeem HIS children. One last chance to win as many as we can for GOD’S kingdom. Then HE will say, SON go get MY children and bring them home.

When that happens, those left here will realize what a great mistake they have made. The only way to change their destination will be to lay down their lives for GOD.

Wouldn’t it be better to make that decision now? To accept JESUS now? As for me, I would rather accept JESUS now and not have to experience the wrath of GOD. I would rather escape that wrath and accept JESUS now. If you would rather escape the wrath of GOD also, then pray this prayer…

JESUS forgive me. Take away all my sins and make me righteous through YOU. I accept YOU as my LORD and SAVIOR and ask YOU to guide my life for YOU from this day forward. I give my life to YOU. Teach me how to live my life for YOU. I reject my old life and accept my new life in YOU. I thank YOU for YOUR love and I accept that love that YOU offer.